



闫浩 2201710060

  1. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (T1)  Hydrothermally induced 34S enrichment in pyrite as an alternative explanation of the Late-Devonian sulfur isotope excursion in South China. 2020-08-15. Hao Yan, Dao-Hui Pi, Shao-Yong Jiang, Weiduo Hao, Huan Cui, Leslie J. Robbins, Kaarel Mnd, Long Li, Noah J. Planavsky, Kurt O. Konhauser

  2. LithosT2New constraints on the onset age of the Emeishan LIP volcanism and implications for the Guadalupian mass extinction. 2020-05-08. Hao Yan, Dao-Hui Pi, Shao-Yong Jiang, Weiduo Hao, Kaarel Mnd, Leslie J. Robbins, Long Li, Kurt O. Konhauser.

李志垚 1201910206

  1. Marine and Petroleum Geology(T2) Compositional relationship between the source-to-sink segments and their sedimentary response to diverse geomorphology types in the intrabasinal lower uplift of continental basins. 2020-10-05. Zhiyao LiQianghu LiuHongtao ZhuXiangtao ZhangMin LiQian Zhao


曾丽平(女) 2201610063

  1. Mineralium Deposita(T2) Tracking fluid sources for skarn formation using scapolite geochemistry: an example from the Jinshandian iron skarn deposit, Eastern China. 2020-06-01. Li-Ping Zeng, Xin-Fu Zhao, Johannes Hammerli, Tian-Wei-Teng Fan & Carl Spandler.


杨威 2201710052

  1. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering(T2) Porosity characteristics of different lithofacies in marine shale: A case study of Neoproterozoic Sinian Doushantuo formation in Yichang area, China. 2019-12-24.第一作者.

  2. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering(T2) Pore characteristics of the lower Sinian Doushantuo Shale in the Mid-Yangtze Yichang area of China: Insights into a distinct shale gas reservoir in the Neoproterozoic formation. 2019-11-26. 第一作者.

  3. Journal of Earth Science(T3) Maturity Assessment of the Lower Cambrian and Sinian Shales Using Multiple Technical Approaches. 2020-05-25. 第一作者.


范晓杰 2202010066

1. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering(T2). Organic geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon generation potential of Jurassic shales and mudstones in Qixiang Co area southern Qiangtang Basin, Tibet. 2020-10-01.一作

2.Petroleum Science and Technology (T4) Geochemical characteristics and shale oil potential analysis of Bilongco Jurassic shale in the Southern Qiangtang Basin China. 2020-02-01.一作

高强 1201910142

1. 地质学报 (T5)  西藏切琼地区钾长花岗岩年代学、地球化学及地质意义. 2020-04-15.一作


杨向荣 2201810082

  1. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering(T2) The depositional mechanism of organic-rich siliceous shales in Upper Yangtze area: Response to the Kwangsian Orogeny in South China. 2020-04-18. 一作

  2. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences(T3) Spatial variation of carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate and organic matter from the Late Ordovician sedimentary succession in the Yangtze Platform, South China: Implications for sea – Level eustacy and shoaling of marine chemocline. 2020-09-01. 一作

  3. Geological Magazine(T3)  Oceanic environment changes caused the Late Ordovician extinction: evidence from geochemical and Nd      isotopic composition in the Yangtze area,South China. 2020-04-01. 一作

何迪 1201910145

  1. 地质科技通报(T5) 湖北大冶铜山口斑岩-矽卡岩型铜钼矿床包裹体特征及流体演化意义. 2020-09-23. 一作

  2. 太阳成集团的官方网站(武汉)第三十届科技论文报告会.校级三等奖.2019-12-18.


联系人:刘明辉  027-67883054




